Working for better miscarriage care

  • Catch up on our submissions, statements and updates.

  • Image of four hands all holding wrists in a square shape. Each hand is a different sin tone.

    Explore our four pillar framework and the change we are seeking.

  • Explore our structure, leadership and how you can get involved.

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The EPLC four pillar framework

  • We seek a significant improvement in care for people who experience miscarriage and those who love them.

  • Language and communication used or deployed in this space must be modernised to alleviate the compounding of trauma.

  • Australia must collect miscarriage data so it can identify the number of people affected, increasing or decreasing trends, geographic and demographic factors and so on. This would inform public health policy, research spending and improve our understanding of barriers to care.

  • Miscarriage research is significantly under-funded. We seek a pledge of $30 million in federal funding specifically for early pregnancy loss research.